Sunday, January 25, 2009

AmeriCorps and Del Sol

I work at Isaac Stevens Middle School in Pasco. I am a math tutor. I work for AmeriCorps. I really love my job. It's a tough age group and most of my students are considered at poverty level and, for most of them, English is only their second language, but I absolutely love the kids. Also, a lot of them are migrant, so it's really hard for them to stay caught up in school when they go away for several months and don't speak any English for the whole time they're gone. Middle schoolers are bratts, and most of them don't appreciate anything you do for them, but that's ok, because the feeling I get when I help one of them to grasp a concept that he/she has been struggling with is priceless.

Right now my job is basically my life. I spend all of my time working because I really want to go to Alaska this summer. In fact, that is already the plan and it's in place. But I have to have enough service hours by the middle of June so that I can fulfill my contract with AmeriCorps of 1700 hours and receive my Education award of $4,500. So if I work enough extra hours (I am currently 46 hours behind in this goal) the plan is that I will fly from Seattle to Juneau on June 16th and spend the summer working at a Del Sol store in Skagway, Alaska with my best friend, Marisha. Working at Del Sol, I will have my housing paid for and will be sharing a one bedroom apartment with said best friend. I am extremely excited about this plan.

So that is what's going on right now.