Monday, March 8, 2010

Wuthering Heights: the book!

Did I really say I loved Heathcliff?!? Obviously, the movie I watched portrayed the characters a lot differently than Wuthering Heights the book. There is absolutely nothing lovely about Heathcliff, Catherine, or even Edgar in the actual book. I hate Catherine the most. I am enjoying reading Wuthering Heights, though. Even though the characters are awful and I know it has no happy ending, it's entertaining to read about how thoroughly they destroy their own lives. They have no decency and ultimately they deserve all their suffering, but it's still sad. And I like sad. I know that sounds morbid, but whatever. It's a great piece of literature. You should read it! :D


  1. To be honest with you... I could never get through it. I got about 1/3 of the way through!

  2. You're really convincing me to read this book...
