Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fed Up

I'm feeling pretty frustrated right about now. I'm frustrated with myself and I'm frustrated with my job. When I filled out my time sheet for January, I noticed that even though I worked my butt off, I only gained 5 hours. That's so discouraging. So, being depressed about that and worn out from working so hard, I decided to sleep in today. Except I did more than just sleep in. I stayed home the whole day! There goes the 5 hours I worked so hard for and then some!

UGH! I just don't understand how that is possible! I will never get all my hours at this rate! I'm actually seriously considering quitting. The only reason why I don't want to is because I will miss the kids SO MUCH.

But seriously! I feel like crap. I feel like no matter how hard I work, it's not hard enough. And they just keep piling on more and more expectations of us. Now I have to plan the award ceremony for a poster contest. That means finding a place to hold the ceremony, writing the script for the MC, getting food donated, recruiting volunteers to judge the posters, getting people from the community (such as the mayor) to present the awards to the winners, designing the invitations for the event...and the list goes on and on. I have to do all that on top of the fifty million events I volunteered for to get more hours.

I'm honestly feeling like just giving up...

1 comment:

  1. =/ Is anyone going to help you with your tremendously heavy workload?! That is crazy and it is so much!

    I know you can do it Cass, the scholarship will be so worth it and just keep thinking about your kids and how much they love you and the feeling you gain when you assist them and teach them.

    You can do it! Keep praying for help and stay close to your Heavenly Father.

    Love you
