Sunday, February 1, 2009

I heart Sixth Graders

It's really unfortunate that I only have one sixth grade class that I tutor in, because I love sixth graders so much! They are so cute, and they actually appreciate things.

The other day, I came into the class 15 minutes late because I had to mail a pair of travelling pants to my very best friend during my lunch break and the line at the post office was insane! When I walked in, every single face brightened up and they all said, "Miss Cassandra!" like they hadn't seen me in years. And then 1:30 rolled around (the time when math is over for the sixth graders and I have to go back to the seventh graders) and they were all like, "Miss Cassandra, do you have to go???" and one kid said, "Let's staple her to the wall!" Haha. So adorable. Yes, a class of sixth grade students is currently my greatest source of joy. They complete me. ;)

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