Thursday, February 4, 2010

China update

Wow, it's crazy what can happen in 24 hours! Last night, Marisha told me about ILP and now I'm most likely going to be leaving for China in the next three weeks! It has been a weird and wonderful day. I researched the program and decided it was something that I would LOVE. So I talked to a representative and got interviewed and filled out my application and got my references. Every hurdle that came along, I leaped over it. Passport? I'll get it expedited. Tuition? I'll raise the money. If I can't raise it all, I'll get a loan. It's just amazing how perfect this is for me right now. I want an adventure and that's what I'm getting. I want to travel/leave home and I'm going to the other side of the planet! My family is being really supportive (well, my mom and sister are really the only ones who know right now). It's just super exciting. This is what I need! And I'm going to make it happen, gosh darn it! :) I love you, Marisha, for knowing me so well and for thinking of me when you heard about ILP. And maybe we can both go together for another semester! That would make me so happy!

So, my "to do" list for tomorrow:
  • write a fundraising letter
  • get my passport photos taken
  • apply for an expedited passport
  • contact my family members and tell them what I'm doing
  • talk to someone at church who can help me find a way to raise money
  • finish the art pieces for the Tamburellos so I can offer that service if needed

This is going to be wonderful! I can't wait.

1 comment:


    You go Cassandra, you totally got this I LOVE YOU!
