Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wishy-washy Cassandra

So...yet another opportunity has presented itself to me, thanks to Marisha (love ya!). I'm now considering postponing the phlebotomy course for another 5 to 6 months. Yeah, I know: this is, like, the millionth time I've changed my mind since September, but I think that to not at least consider this unique and really really intriguing opportunity would be a disservice to myself. Since I'm about 80% sure (on most days) that I want to pursue a career in teaching, this opportunity makes a lot more sense than learning to draw blood. The catch is that phlebotomy will make me a lot of money (that's why I was planning on pursuing it) whereas this other option will cost me about $3,500 between tuition, passport, and personal leisure/travel. So, are you ready to hear what it is!? GREAT! Because I'm dying to tell you! It's the International Language Programs. They recruited Marisha yesterday and told her about it. She says they need someone to go to China in the next 3 weeks or they will have to close their school! She can't go because she is in the middle of school, but she gave them my number. What an amazing friend! :) Of course I would love to do it. For one, I LOVE kids and teaching. For two, it makes sense for my future. For three, I am dying for some kind of an adventure. I want to travel the world and this is the perfect way to do it! Basically, what I learned from the hour on the phone talking to Marisha about it and the two+ hours I spend researching the program on the website is that it sends college-aged adults to various locations in Russia, Ukraine, China, and Mexico to teach English to children from Kindergarten to High-School-age. The teaching method used is basically just playing with the kids and speaking only English. If I were to go, I would go to China because that's where the need is and also because I think it sounds like the most interesting place. The teachers in China live in dorms/apartments together and each of the cities where the schools are located are close to either Shanghai, Hong Kong, or Beijing. How cool is that!? I would love to visit one of those famous cities! And I would have an opportunity to visit the Great Wall. Another really intriguing aspect of the program is the education I will receive. There are culture classes available twice a month and language classes twice a week. There are TONS of unique things to experience there such as taking judo classes, joining a ballroom dance team, going to operas, going to museums, and just exploring a different country. I really REALLY hope it all works out. I was worried at first about being able to get a passport in such a short amount of time, but I researched it and it will cost about $80 more to get it expedited, but I can get one in as little as seven days if I pay $175. I don't know how I would come up with the rest of the money (2,500 for tuition and $1,000 for travel and leisure), but I'll see what I can do about using my education award for it, fundraising, or making payments later. I'm completely broke at the moment, but I'm not going to let that get in my way. I will do whatever I need to do to make this happen!

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